Tuesday 2 December 2014

Hi,  Lady Merlana here,

In School, I've been learning about Space.
I am going to tell you about some facts about The Amazing Solar System.

They are 9 Planets in Space.
The Planets
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Pluto
Did you know that in 2008 Pluto was named The Dwarf Planet because..........
Scientists said it was too small to be a Planet.

Jupiter is the biggest planet and Pluto is the smallest planet,
Neptune is the coldest planet and Venus is the hottest planet,
Did you know Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have rings but they are not clearly visible.

In school we've been painting pearls and oysters. 

  1. We first had to paint the sea
  2.  Then we had to  draw the oyster shell on white card
  3.   Next we painted the shell
  4. We stuck the shell on the painting
  5. We made the pearls out of silver paper
  6.  Last of all we drew waves with gold and silver pens

Hello everybody Ariel Vinther here, I am going to tell you about my favourite things we have done at school this term. Probably my favourite or one of my favourite things we did was when we had to create an under the sea background, make an oyster and finally using paper make a pearl. I really liked doing and thought it looked great.

Here is a picture of a pearl in an oyster.

 We also did a class assembly witch is when you do an assembly but as a class. That was great fun.

Finally I am going to ask you all what your favourite sport is.

What is your favourite sport?
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 I hope you liked my post.

In class we painted a picture of an oyster and a pearl.

We also did our own class assembly. To be honest I was so nervous .
Now enough about me I want to know a bit about you!!!
Tell me what you think.
what is your favourite  sport

pollcode.com free polls


We also had a enterprise week .
Some of our parents came in to talk about there jobs it was so interesting.
You know how I asked you what was your favourite sport well my favourite sport is rugby  but you might already know that :-)
Hi everyone Wolfblood here . I am going to tell you about some new things I have done in class .